How dowe do it?
We are specialists in the production of raw materials for the plastic industry using post-consumer waste collected from a recycling chain. We are proud of offering a sustainable alternative to the market that impacts positively the environment and society.
Highlighted products
Biocirculo´s Community

675Waste pickers associations and recycling warehouses

285Allied companies

Our community brings together different actors from the supply chain, seeking to build synergies to achieve greater impact on society, where the main objective is to consolidate the plastic recycling industry.
Our operation generates positive impact at environmental, social, and economic levels. Learn more about the three pillars that make up our sustainability strategy and its scope: Planet, Community, and Growth.
The journey begins with packaging design, where optimization of resources and the end-of-life mindset ensure its circularity. Strengthen your brand, comply with environmental regulations, and be sustainable by applying a eco-design assessment. We will help you to achieve this!
Our clients
“Hemos colaborado con éxito en iniciativas clave para el futuro sostenible de nuestra compañía”.
Cristina BonilloDirector NS Unilever MA
“Gracias a esta alianza con Biocirculo, ahora en nuestra línea de detergentes líquidos no solo somos ECO por dentro sino por fuera”.
Yliana Rios CMO Detergentes LTDA
“Creemos en la economía circular y estamos muy orgullosos de haber desarrollado con Biocirculo empaques amigables con el medio ambiente”.