
We bring together various stakeholders in the value chain in a single space, with the objective of contributing to the preservation and conservation of the environment through plastic recycling, while empowering the recycling community.

This value chain is large and diverse therefore this Community offers a wide range of activities that enable real interaction among all stakeholders.

"To make our chain visible and promote actions for its benefit is the mission of the Biocirculo Community”


We are more than 3,500 people interested in learning about the world of recycling and the circular economy. Through various activities organized by the Community, such as talks, experiences, walks, planting, volunteering, among others, we have managed to closely understand the role we have as the first link in the material recovery chain. Our mission is to ensure source separation and the effective delivery of recyclable waste to professional waste pickers!

Find out how to participate for free in these experiences and become the environmental leader your home, business, school, or university needs. Register now!

Waste pickers associations

We are over 700 warehouses in Colombia that classify, collect, and trade recyclable materials. We work daily with hundreds of waste pickers who travel on the streets recovering thousands of tons of plastic containers and bottles, as well as other materials, to ultimately give them a second life at Biocirculo.

Our work is constant, day and night, under extreme weather conditions. That’s why, thanks to Biocirculo Community and its loyalty program, we receive support and training on operational and administrative strengthening.

Do you want to be a Biocirculo warehouse? Register here!


Somos más de 400 empresas y entidades de diversos sectores que entendimos el poder de trabajo colaborativo. Hoy por medio de Comunidad Biocirculo desarrollamos actividades de bienestar y fortalecimiento para población recicladora, así como programas de cierre de ciclo de materiales.

If you have a Sustainability strategy where material recovery and the dignification of waste pickers are a priority, the Biocirculo Community is the perfect partner to achieve it. Join us and let’s work together!